We all know that emergencies happen. Many of us have experienced a dangerous emergency first-hand, watched a natural catastrophe unfold on tv, or narrowly avoided disaster ourselves.
Still, even with this knowledge, it can be hard to set aside valuable time, energy, and money to fix a problem that hasn't happened yet.
There are two paths you can take when it comes to emergency planning: the path of preparedness or ignoring the risks and hoping you can figure things out as you go.
And while there’s no benefit to ignoring the risks and hoping things work out for the best after disaster strikes, there are plenty of benefits to being prepared.
(Pictured Above: Safety communication barriers can help block off dangerous or restricted areas during an emergency.)
The best time to handle an emergency is before it ever takes place.
Before you create your emergency action plan, you'll need to analyze your business and see what potential hazards you face. These can vary depending on the type of business and your location. Some emergency action plans will cover problems dealing with hazardous materials on hand, some will need to deal with issues stemming from older buildings that were built to a lower-standard safety code, and some will need to have strategies in place to prepare for natural disasters more likely in certain areas, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and tornadoes.
While many things will be different depending on the type of emergency you are preparing for—what you do during a tornado or earthquake will be much different than what you do during a fire or workplace violence incident, for example—some of the basic preparations will be similar for multiple problems. Always provide steps for getting people to safety, whether that means sheltering or evacuating them, and always have a clear and effective plan for communicating with everyone who could be affected.
Be sure to investigate not just what hazards you may face and how to stay safe during them, but also what effects they will have afterward. This should reveal such considerations as what lost income and increased expenses could be caused by your business being shut down for various amounts of time, the effect of lost customers, the delay of new business plans, and other effects of a disruption of service. Be as exact as possible in order to get a good idea of what costs you might accrue so you can most accurately plan for a disaster.
FEMA provides a Business Impact Analysis Worksheet you can distribute to management and any other employees you feel can contribute to your preparations. Download the worksheet here.
Once you have identified all of the possible threats you may face and the potential effects, you should come up with responses for the hazards. Here are some tips to keep in mind:
OSHA has several resources to help you prepare your emergency action plan.
Your emergency action plan provides no benefit if it is simply filed away. It needs to be shared with the entire company for several reasons.
This training also tests the plan itself. The individual or committee in charge of emergency response should monitor the training to see where problems might be present that were not obvious during the planning phases.
For instance, fire alarms that were intended to alert everyone to danger might not be noticeable in some parts of the building with loud equipment running. Your emergency action plan should be reviewed often and updated accordingly as situations change.
Banner Stakes' barriers are highly effective at communicating hazards to the public and/or creating organized traffic flow to help direct people where they need to go. With robust construction and 2.5" wide retractable belt, these retractable barriers are brightly colored and use easy to read print so they can be seen from a greater distance than most other safety communication barriers on the market.
(Pictured Above: A highly visible danger barrier can help people avoid hazardous areas during a disaster.)
Safety barriers play an important role in emergency preparedness by alerting people which hazardous areas to avoid or by communicating where they need to go to reach safety. If you are interested in including a safety and hazard communication barrier in your emergency supplies kit, reach out to one of our trusted safety experts who can walk you through which barrier best suits your needs. Contact us today to get started!
Would you like help improving your worksite's over all safety program? We're here to help!
Schedule a site walk with us, and we'll build a safety plan tailored to your exact operations and layout.